Scandianvia’s largest Foley studio

Silverin Film was founded by Foley artist David Silverin in 2016 with the intent to produce high quality Foley for film, television and video games. In May 2020, Silverin Film opened the doors to its new studio situated in the Gothenburg harbour area. With approx. 100 sqm of acoustically treated recording space, 150 sqm of additional recording space, props storage and an edit suite, the studio is the largest in Scandinavia.

The studio has a selection of surfaces, divided in an interior and an exterior section, and an extensive collection of props, shoes and clothes. Thanks to the flexibility of the studio we can record everything from naturalistic documentaries and artistic dramas to surrealistic horror and over-the-top animation. We can meet the needs of any project.


Includes plank floors, carpets, hardwood, concrete and vinyl flooring.


Hundreds of shoes including rubber boots, sandals, soccer shoes and high heels.


Everything from swimwear to chainmail, and from leatherjackets to sequin dresses.


Includes sand, dirt, forest, concrete, asphalt, tiles and different kinds of gravel.


Thousands of props from porcelain to bikes, and from car parts to fist baskets.


Mac with Pro Tools. Sound Devices interface and JBL speakers. Mics from Røde and Sennheiser.

The team

Silverin Film is run by Foley artist David Silverin. David has worked with Foley since 2005 on more than 170 projects, see Featured work or IMDb for a complete list. David has a Bachelor’s degree in Audio Engineering from Middlesex University in London, and has studied filmmaking at the New York Film Academy. Prior to starting Silverin Film in 2015, he worked at Europa Foley (now Foleyworks) as Foley recordist, editor and artist.

Depending on the needs of the project, Silverin Film works with several talented freelancers, including Foley artists Henrik Sunnåker and Elin Kristoffersen and Sound designer Marco Lopez, to deliver high quality Foley in a timely fashion.

Get in touch!

Want to discuss a new project or check out the studio?


Mobile: +46 76 712 27 96
LinkedIn: David Silverin
IMDb: David Silverin

Visiting address:

Silverin Film AB,
Vingalandsgatan 8,
417 63 Gothenburg